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CT-N Coverage on Thursday, January 11, 2024

10:00 AM
Live: Web 1
Connecticut Commission for Educational Technology January 11th Public Hearing on Digital Equity
Live: Web 1
10:30 AM
Capitol News Briefing with Comptroller Scanlon, Rep. Napoli and Rep. Pizzuto on the Prescription Drug Discount Card Program ArrayRx
12:00 PM
Live: Web 2
Department of Public Health Universal cCMV Screening Working Group Meeting
Live: Web 2
4:00 PM
Live: TV & Web
Correction Advisory Committee Public Hearing and Committee Meeting
Live: TV & Web

CT-N Rebroadcast Schedule for Thursday, January 11, 2024

11:27 PM
1 hr 21 min
capitol news briefing with rep. porter, rep. hughes and stop solitary ct on greater transparency from the department of correction
1 hr 21 min
12:48 AM
5 hr 9 min
moving beyond implications: research into policy conference hosted by state rep. foster, ct-snn and inchip
5 hr 9 min
5:58 AM
29 min
capitol news briefing with state comptroller scanlon, sen. mccrory, rep. hall and mayor arulampalam on hartford flood compensation program
29 min
6:27 AM
1 hr 21 min
capitol news briefing with rep. porter, rep. hughes and stop solitary ct on greater transparency from the department of correction
1 hr 21 min
7:49 AM
1 hr 10 min
behavioral health partnership oversight council january 10th meeting
1 hr 10 min
8:59 AM
3 hr 16 min
legislative informational forum on psilocybin
3 hr 16 min
12:16 PM
1 hr 50 min
connecticut equity and environmental justice advisory council special meeting with state councils of government
1 hr 50 min
2:07 PM
1 hr 51 min
board of firearms permit examiners january 4th meeting and hearings
1 hr 51 min
9:04 PM
20 min
capitol news briefing with comptroller scanlon, rep. napoli and rep. pizzuto on the prescription drug discount card program arrayrx
20 min
9:25 PM
57 min
connecticut commission for educational technology january 11th public hearing on digital equity
57 min
10:24 PM
41 min
department of public health universal ccmv screening working group january 11th meeting
41 min
11:06 PM
20 min
capitol news briefing with comptroller scanlon, rep. napoli and rep. pizzuto on the prescription drug discount card program arrayrx
20 min
11:27 PM
5 hr 9 min
moving beyond implications: research into policy conference hosted by state rep. foster, ct-snn and inchip
5 hr 9 min
The Connecticut Network is managed in partnership between the
Connecticut General Assembly and the Connecticut Democracy Center.