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CT-N Coverage on Tuesday, January 23, 2024

9:00 AM
Live: Web 1
Task Force to Study Special Education Services and Funding January 23rd Meeting
Live: Web 1
10:00 AM
Not Live
Connecticut Association of Councils of Governments January 23rd Meeting
Not Live
10:00 AM
Live: TV & Web
Continuing Legislative Committee on State Planning and Development January 23rd Meeting
Live: TV & Web
10:30 AM
Capitol News Briefing with House Speaker Ritter, Human Services Committee House Chair Gilchrest, and Rep. Poulos on Establishing a Bureau of Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing Services
11:00 AM
Not Live
Regulation Review Committee January 23rd Meeting
Not Live
12:00 PM
Capitol News Briefing with Rep. Gilchrest Press Conference on Healthcare Affordability
12:00 PM
Not Live
Old State House CT Freedom Trail: The Black Heritage Project at CT State Community College Capital
Not Live
1:00 PM
Live: Web 2
Comptroller Scanlon's Roundtable Discussion on Maternal Health
Live: Web 2
3:00 PM
Live: Web 1
Task Force to Study Artificial Intelligence January 23rd Meeting
Live: Web 1

CT-N Rebroadcast Schedule for Tuesday, January 23, 2024

11:29 PM
3 hr 36 min
correction advisory committee january 11th public hearing and meeting to consider correction ombudsperson finalists
3 hr 36 min
3:06 AM
2 hr 53 min
connecticut business & industry association 2024 economic summit and outlook
2 hr 53 min
6:00 AM
30 min
capitol news briefing with lt. gov. bysiewicz, sots thomas, and comptroller scanlon on the 51st anniversary of the roe v. wade u.s. supreme court decision
30 min
6:31 AM
55 min
department of public health emergency department working group january 17th meeting
55 min
7:27 AM
28 min
medical assistance program oversight council women and children’s health committee january 8th meeting
28 min
7:56 AM
2 hr 0 min
juvenile justice policy and oversight committee january 18th meeting
2 hr 0 min
10:38 AM
52 min
2024 kid governor inauguration at connecticut’s old state house
52 min
11:32 AM
6 hr 44 min
cementing equity in state government symposium hosted by creph and chro
6 hr 44 min
6:17 PM
40 min
capitol region council of governments (crcog) transportation committee january 22nd meeting
40 min
6:58 PM
33 min
capitol news briefing with house speaker ritter, human services committee house chair gilchrest, and rep. poulos on establishing a bureau of deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing services
33 min
7:33 PM
16 min
capitol news briefing with state reps. gilchrest, conley, keitt, linehan and johnson on health care affordability
16 min
7:51 PM
1 hr 34 min
office of the state comptroller roundtable discussion on maternal health
1 hr 34 min
9:26 PM
46 min
state library board january 22nd meeting
46 min
10:14 PM
50 min
medical record requests and records fee working group january 16th meeting
50 min
11:05 PM
33 min
capitol news briefing with house speaker ritter, human services committee house chair gilchrest, and rep. poulos on establishing a bureau of deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing services
33 min
11:39 PM
16 min
capitol news briefing with state reps. gilchrest, conley, keitt, linehan and johnson on health care affordability
16 min
11:56 PM
3 hr 23 min
task force to study special education services and funding january 23rd meeting
3 hr 23 min
The Connecticut Network is managed in partnership between the
Connecticut General Assembly and the Connecticut Democracy Center.