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CT-N Coverage on Tuesday, October 10, 2023

12:00 PM
Congressional News Briefing with U.S. Sen. Blumenthal on Legislation Concerning Support for LGBTQ+ Service Members and Veterans
1:00 PM
Live: TV & Web
Endometriosis Working Group October 10th Meeting
Live: TV & Web
1:00 PM
Live: Web 3
Task Force to Study Indoor Air Quality in School Buildings October 10th Meeting
Live: Web 3

CT-N Rebroadcast Schedule for Tuesday, October 10, 2023

11:48 PM
5 hr 28 min
quinnipiac university school of law symposium: insider trading and the texas gulf sulphur case
5 hr 28 min
5:18 AM
1 hr 26 min
connecticut data analysis technology advisory board october 5th meeting
1 hr 26 min
6:45 AM
59 min
department of public health midwifery working group october 5th meeting
59 min
7:45 AM
1 hr 29 min
wheelchair repair task force october 4th meeting
1 hr 29 min
9:16 AM
10 min
connecticut health and educational facilities authority board of directors special august meeting
10 min
9:27 AM
1 hr 10 min
hartford history lecture series at connecticut’s old state house “why hartford’s ethnic heritage matters today”
1 hr 10 min
10:38 AM
1 hr 38 min
advisory commission on intergovernmental relations october 6th meeting
1 hr 38 min
12:18 PM
39 min
ct department of transportation public hearing on the service and fair equity on analysis of rail and bus service changes
39 min
2:18 PM
1 hr 26 min
connecticut data analysis technology advisory board october 5th meeting
1 hr 26 min
3:45 PM
2 hr 52 min
higher education and employment advancement committee informational forum on the supreme court’s decision on race-conscious admissions
2 hr 52 min
6:38 PM
19 min
department of public health public hearing on the drinking water state revolving fund annual draft intended use plan for fy 2024
19 min
6:59 PM
14 min
congressional news briefing with u.s. sen. blumenthal on legislation concerning support for lgbtq+ service members and veterans
14 min
7:14 PM
55 min
task force to study indoor air quality in school buildings october 10th meeting
55 min
8:10 PM
1 hr 14 min
connecticut water planning council october 3rd meeting
1 hr 14 min
9:26 PM
1 hr 27 min
elderly nutrition program task force september 27th meeting
1 hr 27 min
10:55 PM
14 min
congressional news briefing with u.s. sen. blumenthal on legislation concerning support for lgbtq+ service members and veterans
14 min
11:10 PM
3 hr 24 min
board of firearms permit examiners october 5th meeting and hearings
3 hr 24 min
The Connecticut Network is managed in partnership between the
Connecticut General Assembly and the Connecticut Democracy Center.