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CT-N Coverage on Wednesday, February 1, 2023

10:00 AM
Not Live
Transportation Committee Meeting
Not Live
10:30 AM
Live: Web 3
Capitol News Briefing with Senate Democrats on Legislative Proposals Concerning Mental and Physical Health
Live: Web 3
11:00 AM
Appropriations and Education Committees Joint Informational Forum on Education Funding
11:00 AM
Live: Web 2
Planning and Development Committee February 1st Public Hearing
Live: Web 2
11:00 AM
Live: TV & Web
Public Health Committee February 1st Public Hearing
Live: TV & Web

CT-N Rebroadcast Schedule for Wednesday, February 1, 2023

11:54 PM
54 min
general law committee january 31st public hearing
54 min
12:49 AM
1 hr 18 min
2023 kid governor inauguration at connecticut’s old state house
1 hr 18 min
2:09 AM
1 hr 16 min
school construction project priority list review committee 2023 annual meeting
1 hr 16 min
3:26 AM
48 min
connecticut’s old state house conversations at noon on the connecticut freedom trail: “connecting the stories in connecticut’s old state house”
48 min
4:16 AM
1 hr 38 min
finance, revenue and bonding committee january 23rd informational forum with the department of revenue services
1 hr 38 min
5:56 AM
35 min
capitol news briefing with senate democrats on legislative proposals concerning education and connecticut's workforce
35 min
6:32 AM
1 hr 5 min
connecticut supreme court oral argument: marline adesokan et al. v. town of bloomfield et al.
1 hr 5 min
7:38 AM
3 hr 11 min
connecticut state senate january 25th session
3 hr 11 min
10:51 AM
8 min
banking committee january 24th meeting
8 min
8:37 PM
2 hr 15 min
appropriations and education committees joint informational forum on education funding
2 hr 15 min
10:53 PM
26 min
capitol news briefing with senate democrats on legislative proposals concerning mental and physical health
26 min
11:20 PM
5 hr 8 min
transportation committee january 30th public hearing
5 hr 8 min
The Connecticut Network is managed in partnership between the
Connecticut General Assembly and the Connecticut Democracy Center.