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CT-N Coverage on Wednesday, February 23, 2022

9:00 AM
Live: TV & Web
Public Health Committee February 23rd Public Hearing
Live: TV & Web
10:00 AM
Live: Web 2
Appropriations Committee Human Services State Agency Presentations on the Governor’s FY23 Proposed Budget Adjustments
Live: Web 2
10:00 AM
Live: Web 3
Capitol News Briefing with Senate Republican Leaders on Proposed Legislation Concerning Workforce Development and Jobs
Live: Web 3
10:00 AM
Environment Committee February 23rd Meeting
2:00 PM
Live: Web 2
Appropriations Committee Public Hearing on Human Services State Agencies Concerning the Governor’s FY23 Proposed Budget Adjustments
Live: Web 2

CT-N Rebroadcast Schedule for Wednesday, February 23, 2022

11:20 PM
3 hr 36 min
higher education and employment advancement committee february 17th public hearing
3 hr 36 min
2:58 AM
2 hr 7 min
appropriations committee elementary and secondary education state agency presentations on the governor’s fy23 proposed budget adjustments
2 hr 7 min
5:06 AM
40 min
capitol news briefing on proposed children's mental health legislation
40 min
5:46 AM
24 min
capitol news briefing on endometriosis working group policy recommendations
24 min
6:11 AM
17 min
public safety and security committee february 10th meeting
17 min
6:29 AM
2 hr 29 min
executive and legislative nominations committee hearing and meeting for the education commissioner, consumer counsel, and human rights referees
2 hr 29 min
8:15 PM
2 hr 34 min
appropriations committee human services state agency presentations on the governor’s fy23 proposed budget adjustments
2 hr 34 min
10:50 PM
10 min
environment committee february 23rd meeting
10 min
11:01 PM
24 min
capitol news briefing with senate republican leaders on proposed legislation concerning workforce development and jobs
24 min
11:26 PM
3 hr 21 min
appropriations committee public hearing with higher education state agencies on the governor’s proposed fy23 budget adjustments
3 hr 21 min
The Connecticut Network is managed in partnership between the
Connecticut General Assembly and the Connecticut Democracy Center.