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CT-N Coverage on Thursday, March 10, 2022

8:00 AM
Live: Web 1
Public Safety and Security Committee March 10th Public Hearing
Live: Web 1
10:00 AM
Live: Web 2
Housing Committee March 10th Meeting
Live: Web 2
10:00 AM
Live: TV & Web
Human Services Committee March 10th Public Hearing
Live: TV & Web
11:00 AM
Live: Web 3
Capitol News Briefing with House and Senate Republican Leaders to Discuss Gasoline Prices
Live: Web 3
12:00 PM
Live: Web 2
Housing Committee March 10th Public Hearing
Live: Web 2

CT-N Rebroadcast Schedule for Thursday, March 10, 2022

11:52 PM
4 hr 27 min
transportation committee march 9th public hearing
4 hr 27 min
4:20 AM
1 hr 43 min
committee on children february 22nd public hearing
1 hr 43 min
6:04 AM
38 min
capitol news briefing with the lt. gov., the commissioner of deep and state legislators on proposed vehicle emissions standards
38 min
6:43 AM
32 min
capitol news briefing with members of the house democratic caucus concerning proposed legislation on student loan debt
32 min
7:15 AM
5 min
aging committee february 24th meeting
5 min
7:21 AM
15 min
appropriations committee human services subcommittee work session with state agencies
15 min
7:38 AM
2 hr 20 min
planning and development committee march 9th public hearing
2 hr 20 min
10:04 PM
28 min
housing committee march 10th meeting
28 min
10:34 PM
32 min
capitol news briefing with members of the house democratic caucus concerning proposed legislation on student loan debt
32 min
11:06 PM
17 min
capitol news briefing with house and senate republican leaders to discuss gasoline prices
17 min
11:24 PM
1 hr 40 min
public safety and security committee march 10th public hearing
1 hr 40 min
The Connecticut Network is managed in partnership between the
Connecticut General Assembly and the Connecticut Democracy Center.