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CT-N Coverage on Tuesday, April 13, 2021

10:00 AM
Live: Web 3
Capitol News Briefing with Housing Committee Co-Chair State Rep. McGee, Black and Puerto Rican Caucus Chair State Rep. Reyes, and Housing Advocates
Live: Web 3
11:00 AM
Live: Web 1
Education Committee April 13th Meeting to Consider Bills Referred from the House and Senate
Live: Web 1
11:30 AM
Live: Web 2
Higher Education and Employment Advancement Committee April 13th Meeting
Live: Web 2
12:00 PM
Live: TV & Web 3
Governor Lamont News Briefing on the Administration of the Johnson & Johnson Vaccine
Live: TV & Web 3
1:30 PM
Live: TV & Web
Appropriations Committee Public Hearing on State Agency Deficiency Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2021
Live: TV & Web

CT-N Rebroadcast Schedule for Tuesday, April 13, 2021

12:00 AM
14 min
planning and development committee april 12th meeting to take final action on bills
14 min
12:17 AM
4 hr 49 min
judiciary committee april 8th meeting to take final action on bills
4 hr 49 min
5:08 AM
1 hr 0 min
connecticut’s old state house evening conversations “the undocumented americans: a conversation with karla cornejo villavicencio”
1 hr 0 min
6:11 AM
47 min
governor lamont april 12th briefing on the state’s response efforts to covid-19
47 min
7:00 AM
3 hr 21 min
finance, revenue and bonding committee general bonding subcommittee april 7th agency presentations
3 hr 21 min
10:22 AM
1 hr 56 min
finance, revenue and bonding committee general bonding subcommittee april 9th agency presentations
1 hr 56 min
12:21 PM
1 hr 5 min
women’s bipartisan legislative caucus 2021 speaker series with connecticut 3rd district congresswoman rosa delauro
1 hr 5 min
3:46 PM
2 hr 16 min
one standard of justice forum: “experience from practicing restorative justice for sexual harm”
2 hr 16 min
6:02 PM
14 min
planning and development committee april 12th meeting to take final action on bills
14 min
6:17 PM
45 min
chamber of commerce of eastern connecticut virtual business breakfast meeting with governor lamont
45 min
7:03 PM
35 min
governor lamont news briefing on the administration of the johnson & johnson vaccine
35 min
7:39 PM
52 min
capitol news briefing with housing committee co-chair state rep. mcgee, black and puerto rican caucus chair state rep. reyes, and housing advocates
52 min
8:32 PM
15 min
higher education and employment advancement committee april 13th meeting
15 min
8:48 PM
46 min
education committee april 13th meeting to consider bills referred from the house and senate
46 min
9:36 PM
1 hr 20 min
connecticut paid family and medical leave insurance authority board of directors april 8th meeting
1 hr 20 min
10:57 PM
35 min
governor lamont news briefing on the administration of the johnson & johnson vaccine
35 min
11:32 PM
52 min
capitol news briefing with housing committee co-chair state rep. mcgee, black and puerto rican caucus chair state rep. reyes, and housing advocates
52 min
The Connecticut Network is managed in partnership between the
Connecticut General Assembly and the Connecticut Democracy Center.