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CT-N Coverage on Wednesday, April 13, 2022

9:00 AM
Public Health Committee April 13th Meeting to Consider Bills Referred from the House and Senate
11:00 AM
Live: Web 3
Capitol News Briefing with House Democratic Leaders Prior to the April 13th House Session
Live: Web 3
11:30 AM
Live: TV & Web 2
Connecticut House of Representatives April 13th Session
Live: TV & Web 2
12:00 PM
Live: Web 1
Connecticut State Senate April 13th Session
Live: Web 1
2:00 PM
Not Live
Commission on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity & Opportunity: Childcare Crisis Roundtable
Not Live
3:00 PM
Live: Web 3
Capitol News Briefing with State Reps. Vargas and Delnicki on Proposed Legislation Concerning Interest Rates on Municipal Tax Liens
Live: Web 3

CT-N Rebroadcast Schedule for Wednesday, April 13, 2022

11:41 PM
41 min
capitol news briefing with house and senate democratic leaders and the labor committee co-chairs on proposed legislation concerning a fair work week
41 min
12:24 AM
25 min
capitol news briefing with the house and senate minority leaders and the cbia on the state unemployment compensation trust fund
25 min
12:50 AM
1 hr 27 min
executive and legislative nominations cmte meeting and hearing for board of regents, mira, and workers’ comp advisory board
1 hr 27 min
2:19 AM
3 hr 42 min
state board of education april 6th meeting
3 hr 42 min
6:02 AM
36 min
governor lamont news briefing
36 min
6:40 AM
41 min
capitol news briefing with house and senate democratic leaders and the labor committee co-chairs on proposed legislation concerning a fair work week
41 min
7:22 AM
25 min
capitol news briefing with the house and senate minority leaders and the cbia on the state unemployment compensation trust fund
25 min
7:49 AM
2 hr 2 min
veterans suicide prevention policy summit with state legislators and veterans support agencies
2 hr 2 min
9:53 AM
1 hr 35 min
endometriosis working group april 4th meeting
1 hr 35 min
10:21 PM
36 min
advisory board for persons who are deaf, hard of hearing or deafblind april 8th meeting
36 min
10:58 PM
20 min
capitol news briefing with house democratic leaders prior to the april 13th house session
20 min
11:20 PM
12 min
capitol news briefing with state reps. vargas and delnicki on proposed legislation concerning interest rates on municipal tax liens
12 min
11:33 PM
2 hr 13 min
energy and technology committee informational forum with the public utilities regulatory authority
2 hr 13 min
The Connecticut Network is managed in partnership between the
Connecticut General Assembly and the Connecticut Democracy Center.