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CT-N Coverage on Thursday, April 15, 2021

9:00 AM
Live: Web 2
Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee General Bonding Subcommittee April 15th Agency Presentation with the Office of Policy and Management
Live: Web 2
10:00 AM
Live: TV & Web
Appropriations Public Hearing and Committee Meeting
Live: TV & Web
2:00 PM
Live: Web 1
Juvenile Justice Policy and Oversight Committee April Meeting
Live: Web 1
4:00 PM
Live: TV & Web 3
Governor Lamont April 15th Briefing on the State’s Response Efforts to COVID-19
Live: TV & Web 3
7:00 PM
Not Live
Evening Conversations at Connecticut's Old State House: The Witness Stones Project
Not Live

CT-N Rebroadcast Schedule for Thursday, April 15, 2021

11:05 PM
1 hr 5 min
capitol news briefing regarding funding for violence prevention programs in the state
1 hr 5 min
12:12 AM
29 min
gov. lamont ceremonial bill signing concerning the easing of outdoor dining restrictions
29 min
12:43 AM
2 hr 16 min
one standard of justice forum: “experience from practicing restorative justice for sexual harm”
2 hr 16 min
3:01 AM
2 hr 12 min
appropriations committee public hearing on state agency deficiency appropriations for fiscal year 2021
2 hr 12 min
5:15 AM
45 min
police transparency and accountability task force april 6th meeting
45 min
6:03 AM
1 hr 5 min
capitol news briefing regarding funding for violence prevention programs in the state
1 hr 5 min
7:10 AM
29 min
gov. lamont ceremonial bill signing concerning the easing of outdoor dining restrictions
29 min
7:41 AM
15 min
higher education and employment advancement committee april 13th meeting
15 min
7:59 AM
1 hr 56 min
finance, revenue and bonding committee general bonding subcommittee april 9th agency presentations
1 hr 56 min
3:22 PM
1 hr 38 min
nursing home financial advisory committee april 14th meeting
1 hr 38 min
5:02 PM
1 hr 52 min
medical assistance program oversight council april meeting
1 hr 52 min
6:57 PM
51 min
governor lamont april 15th briefing on the state’s response efforts to covid-19
51 min
7:48 PM
1 hr 28 min
juvenile justice policy and oversight committee april meeting
1 hr 28 min
9:17 PM
1 hr 56 min
finance, revenue and bonding committee transportation bonding subcommittee department of transportation presentation
1 hr 56 min
11:14 PM
51 min
governor lamont april 15th briefing on the state’s response efforts to covid-19
51 min
The Connecticut Network is managed in partnership between the
Connecticut General Assembly and the Connecticut Democracy Center.