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CT-N Coverage on Monday, May 3, 2021

10:00 AM
Live: Web 1
Connecticut Supreme Court 2021 Law Day Ceremony 'Advancing the Rule of Law, Now'
Live: Web 1
10:00 AM
Live: Web 2
Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee May 3rd Meeting to Consider Bills Referred from the House and Senate
Live: Web 2
12:00 PM
Live: Web 1
Judiciary Committee May 3rd Meeting to Consider Bills Referred from the House and Senate
Live: Web 1
1:00 PM
Appropriations Committee May 3rd Meeting to Consider Bills Referred from the House and Senate
4:00 PM
Live: TV & Web 3
Governor Lamont May 3rd Briefing on the State’s Response Efforts to COVID-19
Live: TV & Web 3
4:00 PM
Not Live
Legislative Women’s Bipartisan Caucus 2021 Speaker Series with 5th District Congresswoman Jahana Hayes
Not Live

CT-N Rebroadcast Schedule for Monday, May 3, 2021

7:11 PM
4 hr 58 min
connecticut state senate april 28th session
4 hr 58 min
12:11 AM
10 hr 4 min
finance, revenue and bonding committee april 20th public hearing
10 hr 4 min
10:17 AM
1 hr 57 min
criminal justice policy advisory commission april 29th meeting
1 hr 57 min
12:16 PM
3 hr 22 min
joint legislative committee informational forum on gun violence intervention and prevention
3 hr 22 min
3:40 PM
1 hr 14 min
executive and legislative nominations committee april 27th hearing and meeting for pura, chro and the state board of education
1 hr 14 min
4:57 PM
1 hr 0 min
connecticut’s old state house evening conversations “the undocumented americans: a conversation with karla cornejo villavicencio”
1 hr 0 min
5:59 PM
58 min
legislative bioscience caucus virtual forum on sars-cov-2 variants
58 min
7:00 PM
57 min
governor lamont may 3rd briefing on the state’s response efforts to covid-19
57 min
7:59 PM
25 min
connecticut supreme court 2021 law day ceremony “advancing the rule of law, now”
25 min
8:27 PM
1 hr 35 min
finance, revenue and bonding committee may 3rd meeting to consider bills referred from the house and senate
1 hr 35 min
10:05 PM
1 hr 3 min
connecticut’s old state house conversations at noon on hartford's first black church and school
1 hr 3 min
11:10 PM
57 min
governor lamont may 3rd briefing on the state’s response efforts to covid-19
57 min
The Connecticut Network is managed in partnership between the
Connecticut General Assembly and the Connecticut Democracy Center.