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CT-N Coverage on Friday, May 7, 2021

10:30 AM
Live: TV & Web
Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations May 7th Meeting
Live: TV & Web
1:30 PM
Live: Web 3
Governor Lamont Briefing to Announcement the New President of the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities System
Live: Web 3

CT-N Rebroadcast Schedule for Friday, May 7, 2021

11:42 PM
24 min
capitol news briefing with house democratic leaders prior to the may 6th house session
24 min
12:08 AM
15 min
capitol news briefing with house republican leaders prior to the may 6th house session
15 min
12:25 AM
5 hr 44 min
appropriations committee may 3rd meeting to consider bills referred from the house and senate
5 hr 44 min
6:11 AM
43 min
governor lamont may 6th briefing on the state’s response efforts to covid-19
43 min
6:56 AM
24 min
capitol news briefing with house democratic leaders prior to the may 6th house session
24 min
7:22 AM
15 min
capitol news briefing with house republican leaders prior to the may 6th house session
15 min
7:39 AM
1 hr 14 min
executive and legislative nominations committee april 27th hearing and meeting for pura, chro and the state board of education
1 hr 14 min
8:55 AM
1 hr 31 min
legislative women’s bipartisan caucus 2021 speaker series with 5th district congresswoman jahana hayes
1 hr 31 min
11:58 AM
1 hr 32 min
“discrimination in education” forum hosted by chro, center for children’s advocacy, and connecticut u.s. attorney’s office
1 hr 32 min
1:32 PM
25 min
connecticut supreme court 2021 law day ceremony “advancing the rule of law, now”
25 min
1:58 PM
2 hr 29 min
judiciary committee may 3rd meeting to consider bills referred from the house and senate
2 hr 29 min
4:27 PM
1 hr 35 min
finance, revenue and bonding committee may 3rd meeting to consider bills referred from the house and senate
1 hr 35 min
6:04 PM
1 hr 1 min
connecticut mirror forum on the redistricting process
1 hr 1 min
7:05 PM
29 min
capitol news briefing with senate president looney and finance, revenue and bonding committee senate chair fonfara
29 min
7:35 PM
38 min
governor lamont briefing to announce the new president of the connecticut state colleges and universities system
38 min
8:14 PM
1 hr 22 min
advisory commission on intergovernmental relations may 7th meeting
1 hr 22 min
9:37 PM
1 hr 34 min
connecticut supreme court oral argument commission on human rights and opportunities v. edge fitness, llc, et al
1 hr 34 min
11:11 PM
29 min
capitol news briefing with senate president looney and finance, revenue and bonding committee senate chair fonfara
29 min
11:42 PM
38 min
governor lamont briefing to announce the new president of the connecticut state colleges and universities system
38 min
The Connecticut Network is managed in partnership between the
Connecticut General Assembly and the Connecticut Democracy Center.