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CT-N Coverage on Friday, July 21, 2023

9:00 AM
Live: Web 1
Connecticut Green Bank Board of Directors July 21st Meeting
Live: Web 1
11:30 AM
Live: Web 3
Congressional News Briefing with U.S. Sen. Blumenthal on the Proposed College Athletes Protection and Compensation Act
Live: Web 3

CT-N Rebroadcast Schedule for Friday, July 21, 2023

11:15 PM
51 min
capitol news briefing with the division of criminal justice on the moving justice forward project report
51 min
12:07 AM
32 min
gov. lamont bill signing ceremony for public act 23-21 (sb 1165) concerning financial literacy instruction in high school
32 min
12:40 AM
2 min
capitol news briefing with governor lamont
2 min
12:44 AM
3 hr 19 min
board of pardons july 7th hearing on non-inmate absolute pardon applications
3 hr 19 min
4:04 AM
1 hr 12 min
behavioral health partnership oversight council july 12th meeting
1 hr 12 min
5:17 AM
56 min
connecticut’s old state house conversations at noon on the connecticut freedom trail “unveiling hidden stories: tracing new london’s black heritage trail”
56 min
6:15 AM
51 min
capitol news briefing with the division of criminal justice on the moving justice forward project report
51 min
7:07 AM
32 min
gov. lamont bill signing ceremony for public act 23-21 (sb 1165) concerning financial literacy instruction in high school
32 min
7:40 AM
2 min
capitol news briefing with governor lamont
2 min
7:43 AM
1 hr 35 min
juvenile justice policy and oversight committee july 20th meeting
1 hr 35 min
9:20 AM
4 hr 21 min
board of pardons july 5th hearing on non-inmate absolute pardon applications
4 hr 21 min
1:42 PM
4 hr 10 min
commission on racial and ethnic disparity in the criminal justice system june 15th conference
4 hr 10 min
5:53 PM
24 min
gov. lamont bill signing ceremony for public act 23-30 (hb 6677) and public act 23-48 (hb 5781) concerning services for seniors
24 min
6:18 PM
37 min
connecticut airport authority july 19th meeting
37 min
6:57 PM
7 min
congressional news briefing with u.s. sen. blumenthal on the proposed college athletes protection and compensation act
7 min
7:06 PM
2 hr 12 min
connecticut green bank board of directors july 21st meeting
2 hr 12 min
9:19 PM
1 hr 20 min
disability rights connecticut 3rd annual town hall meeting
1 hr 20 min
10:40 PM
18 min
capitol news briefing with attorney general tong, dcp commissioner cafferelli and veteran affairs commissioner welch on scams targeting servicemembers and veterans
18 min
10:58 PM
7 min
congressional news briefing with u.s. sen. blumenthal on the proposed college athletes protection and compensation act
7 min
11:07 PM
1 hr 35 min
juvenile justice policy and oversight committee july 20th meeting
1 hr 35 min
The Connecticut Network is managed in partnership between the
Connecticut General Assembly and the Connecticut Democracy Center.