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CT-N Coverage on Wednesday, July 26, 2023

10:00 AM
Live: Web 3
Capitol News Briefing with Gov. Lamont, Transportation Committee Leaders, DEEP and DOT on Connecticut’s Car and Truck Emission Standards
Live: Web 3
10:00 AM
Live: TV & Web
Judiciary and Public Safety Committees Joint Informational Forum on State Police Traffic Stop Data Audit Report
Live: TV & Web
1:00 PM
Live: Web 2
BHPOC Coordination of Care and MAPOC Council Quality & Access Committees Joint July 26th Meeting
Live: Web 2

CT-N Rebroadcast Schedule for Wednesday, July 26, 2023

11:35 PM
4 hr 14 min
the national safer communities summit
4 hr 14 min
3:50 AM
1 hr 19 min
board of firearms permit examiners july 13th meeting and hearings
1 hr 19 min
5:10 AM
53 min
connecticut’s old state house conversations at noon on the connecticut freedom trail: “bringing the freedom trail to life, for real!”
53 min
6:03 AM
1 hr 12 min
behavioral health partnership oversight council july 12th meeting
1 hr 12 min
7:16 AM
1 hr 17 min
nursing home financial advisory committee july 12th meeting
1 hr 17 min
8:34 AM
37 min
connecticut airport authority july 19th meeting
37 min
9:12 AM
45 min
working group to examine the taxation of federally recognized tribal nations july 25th meeting
45 min
3:29 PM
3 hr 19 min
board of pardons july 7th hearing on non-inmate absolute pardon applications
3 hr 19 min
6:49 PM
12 min
regulation review committee july 25th meeting
12 min
7:02 PM
52 min
capitol news briefing with gov. lamont, transportation committee leaders, deep and dot on connecticut’s car and truck emission standards
52 min
7:55 PM
45 min
working group to examine the taxation of federally recognized tribal nations july 25th meeting
45 min
8:42 PM
1 hr 58 min
bhpoc coordination of care and mapoc council quality & access committees joint july 26th meeting
1 hr 58 min
10:41 PM
20 min
office of the healthcare advocate advisory board july 25th meeting
20 min
11:02 PM
52 min
capitol news briefing with gov. lamont, transportation committee leaders, deep and dot on connecticut’s car and truck emission standards
52 min
11:56 PM
4 hr 21 min
board of pardons july 5th hearing on non-inmate absolute pardon applications
4 hr 21 min
The Connecticut Network is managed in partnership between the
Connecticut General Assembly and the Connecticut Democracy Center.