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CT-N Coverage on Wednesday, August 16, 2023

10:00 AM
Live: Web 3
Capitol News Briefing with Lt. Governor Bysiewicz, DPH Commissioner Juthani and others to Highlight National Breastfeeding Month
Live: Web 3
10:00 AM
Live: Web 3
Capitol News Briefing with U.S. Sen. Blumenthal, State Sen. Needleman and State Rep. Palm on the Threat of Hydrilla in the Connecticut River
Live: Web 3
12:00 PM
Live: Web 3
Congressional News Briefing with U.S. Sen. Blumenthal on the Proposed Drug Shortages Prevention and Quality Improvement Act
Live: Web 3
1:00 PM
Live: Web 3
Capitol News Briefing with House and Senate Republican Leaders on Proposed Emission Regulations for Vehicles and Electric Vehicle Mandates
Live: Web 3
1:00 PM
Live: TV & Web
CWCSEO: Asian American and Pacific Islander Education Studies Symposium
Live: TV & Web

CT-N Rebroadcast Schedule for Wednesday, August 16, 2023

11:26 PM
4 hr 58 min
board of pardons august 2nd hearing on non-inmate absolute pardon applications
4 hr 58 min
4:25 AM
1 hr 35 min
juvenile justice policy and oversight committee july 20th meeting
1 hr 35 min
6:01 AM
1 hr 2 min
department of energy and environmental protection state and local government roundtable on high-speed internet programs
1 hr 2 min
7:05 AM
2 hr 28 min
commission on human rights and opportunities august 9th meeting
2 hr 28 min
9:34 AM
48 min
connecticut lottery corporation board of directors august meeting
48 min
10:23 AM
55 min
governor lamont roundtable on the future of property and casualty insurance
55 min
11:19 AM
1 hr 25 min
advisory commission on intergovernmental relations august 4th meeting
1 hr 25 min
12:45 PM
12 min
public utilities regulatory authority august 9th meeting
12 min
3:51 PM
1 hr 18 min
endometriosis working group august 14th meeting
1 hr 18 min
5:10 PM
1 hr 16 min
task force to study special education services and funding august 8th meeting
1 hr 16 min
6:27 PM
30 min
council on sexual misconduct climate assessments august 15th meeting
30 min
6:58 PM
21 min
capitol news briefing with lt. governor bysiewicz, dph commissioner juthani and others to highlight national breastfeeding month
21 min
7:21 PM
45 min
capitol news briefing with u.s. sen. blumenthal, state rep. palm, state rep. carney on the threat of hydrilla in the connecticut river
45 min
8:07 PM
22 min
congressional news briefing with u.s. sen. blumenthal on the proposed drug shortages prevention and quality improvement act
22 min
8:30 PM
35 min
capitol news briefing with house and senate republican leaders on proposed emission regulations for vehicles and electric vehicle mandates
35 min
9:06 PM
1 hr 24 min
all payer claims database advisory group august 10th meeting
1 hr 24 min
10:31 PM
12 min
public utilities regulatory authority august 9th meeting
12 min
10:45 PM
16 min
congressional news briefing with u.s. sen. blumenthal and dept. of public health commissioner juthani on federal funding for state beaches
16 min
11:01 PM
21 min
capitol news briefing with lt. governor bysiewicz, dph commissioner juthani and others to highlight national breastfeeding month
21 min
11:24 PM
45 min
capitol news briefing with u.s. sen. blumenthal, state rep. palm, state rep. carney on the threat of hydrilla in the connecticut river
45 min
The Connecticut Network is managed in partnership between the
Connecticut General Assembly and the Connecticut Democracy Center.