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CT-N Coverage on Thursday, August 24, 2023

10:00 AM
Live: TV & Web
Racial Profiling Prohibition Project Advisory Board August 24th Meeting
Live: TV & Web
11:00 AM
Live: Web 3
Congressional News Briefing with U.S. Rep. Himes on The Barnum Museum’s Designation as a National Historic Landmark
Live: Web 3
1:00 PM
Live: Web 2
DEEP Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund August 24th Public Meeting on the State’s Solar for All Program Application
Live: Web 2

CT-N Rebroadcast Schedule for Thursday, August 24, 2023

11:36 PM
1 hr 10 min
healthcare access for daca recipients forum hosted by the state comptroller and attorney general
1 hr 10 min
12:48 AM
2 hr 3 min
connecticut board of regents for higher education finance and infrastructure committee meeting
2 hr 3 min
2:52 AM
1 hr 19 min
connecticut health information technology advisory council august 17th meeting
1 hr 19 min
4:12 AM
1 hr 16 min
task force to study special education services and funding august 8th meeting
1 hr 16 min
5:29 AM
37 min
capitol news briefing with attorney general tong, healthcare advocate doolittle, and insurance committee co-chair sen. cabrera and ranking member sen. hwang on health insurance rates
37 min
6:07 AM
34 min
capitol news briefing with the state police union on the audit of motor vehicle stop data from 2014-2021
34 min
6:42 AM
1 hr 2 min
department of energy and environmental protection bottle bill advisory group august 21st public meeting
1 hr 2 min
7:44 AM
1 hr 3 min
connecticut’s old state house conversations at noon on the connecticut freedom trail “enslaved for life: reexamining connecticut’s prince mortimer”
1 hr 3 min
8:48 AM
57 min
state contracting standards board august 11th meeting
57 min
9:46 AM
11 min
congressional news briefing with u.s. sen. blumenthal on federal investments for children’s mental health services
11 min
11:38 AM
55 min
freedom of information commission august 23rd meeting
55 min
12:35 PM
4 hr 41 min
insurance department informational meeting on 2024 health insurance rate request filings
4 hr 41 min
5:17 PM
1 hr 10 min
healthcare access for daca recipients forum hosted by the state comptroller and attorney general
1 hr 10 min
6:29 PM
30 min
council on sexual misconduct climate assessments august 15th meeting
30 min
7:00 PM
37 min
capitol news briefing on the barnum museum’s designation as a national historic landmark
37 min
7:38 PM
3 hr 23 min
vietnam veterans august 23rd awards ceremony in bristol
3 hr 23 min
11:02 PM
37 min
capitol news briefing on the barnum museum’s designation as a national historic landmark
37 min
11:40 PM
18 min
deep greenhouse gas reduction fund august 24th public meeting on the state’s solar for all program application
18 min
11:59 PM
4 hr 3 min
department of energy and environmental protection proposed emission standards for 2027 model year and later light duty vehicles public hearing
4 hr 3 min
The Connecticut Network is managed in partnership between the
Connecticut General Assembly and the Connecticut Democracy Center.