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CT-N Coverage on Tuesday, September 26, 2023

9:00 AM
Not Live
Bipartisan Legislative Bioscience Caucus September 26th Briefing on Transformative Therapies
Not Live
10:00 AM
Not Live
Community Investment Fund 2030 September 26th Board Meeting
Not Live
11:00 AM
Live: TV & Web 1
Connecticut State Senate September 26th Special Session
Live: TV & Web 1
11:30 AM
Capitol News Briefing with House Democratic Leaders Prior to the September 26th House Special Session
11:45 AM
Capitol News Briefing with House Republican Leaders Prior to the September 26th House Special Session
12:00 PM
Live: Web 2
Connecticut House of Representatives September 26th Special Session
Live: Web 2
12:00 PM
Not Live
Conversations at Noon on The CT Freedom Trail: The Three Firsts of Pvt. Leverett Holden, CT 29th Regiment, U.S. Civil War
Not Live
1:45 PM
Capitol News Briefing with Attorney General Tong on Litigation Against, Inc.

CT-N Rebroadcast Schedule for Tuesday, September 26, 2023

11:19 PM
1 hr 56 min
department of transportation vision zero council september 19th meeting
1 hr 56 min
1:16 AM
2 hr 34 min
joint legislative committees hearing and meetings on ffy24 federal health and human services block grant allocation plans
2 hr 34 min
3:52 AM
1 hr 22 min
psychiatric security review board working group september 19th meeting
1 hr 22 min
5:15 AM
44 min
the forlorn soldier statue 10th anniversary of installation ceremony
44 min
6:01 AM
15 min
secretary of the state post primary election 2023 random selection of voting precincts to have results audited
15 min
6:17 AM
2 min
capitol news briefing with the secretary of the state
2 min
6:20 AM
1 hr 51 min
working group to examine the taxation of federally recognized tribal nations september 19th meeting
1 hr 51 min
8:13 AM
1 hr 0 min
state conservation and development plan 2025-2030 informational session
1 hr 0 min
9:14 AM
1 hr 42 min
juvenile justice policy and oversight committee september 21st meeting
1 hr 42 min
5:24 PM
1 hr 14 min
connecticut’s old state house “go big. vote local.” series - “before the meme: a history of political cartoons”
1 hr 14 min
6:39 PM
15 min
secretary of the state post primary election 2023 random selection of voting precincts to have results audited
15 min
6:56 PM
16 min
capitol news briefing with attorney general tong on litigation against, inc.
16 min
7:14 PM
23 min
capitol news briefing with house democratic leaders prior to the september 26th house special session
23 min
7:37 PM
14 min
capitol news briefing with republican leaders prior to the september 26th house special session
14 min
7:53 PM
2 hr 14 min
connecticut house of representatives september 26th special session
2 hr 14 min
10:08 PM
48 min
connecticut’s old state house “go big. vote local.” series - “the greatest impact: why we should care about local elections”
48 min
10:57 PM
16 min
capitol news briefing with attorney general tong on litigation against, inc.
16 min
11:15 PM
3 hr 4 min
judiciary committee september 20th public hearing and meeting
3 hr 4 min
The Connecticut Network is managed in partnership between the
Connecticut General Assembly and the Connecticut Democracy Center.